A data product solution, enabling an advanced level of data management, integration, and analytics capabilities for everyone ... providing greater speed, greater flexibility, greater quality, greater relevance, at a lower cost … driving competitive advantage

Empowering Data Product Builders
Latttice equips users with all the tools needed to design, build, secure, and share reliable and scalable data products effortlessly. It enables intuitive data product design, automates complex workflows, and integrates seamlessly with modern and legacy data stacks to accelerate development.

Data Quality and Governance by Design

Seamless Access to Data Products - Anytime, Anywhere
Latttice ensures that your data products are not confined to a single platform. Whether you’re a data analyst using BI tools, a developer integrating APIs, or a machine learning model consuming data, Latttice makes it effortless to access data products for your preferred uses case.
Data products are organized and managed in a way that reflects your thinking, making them easier to find, understand and use.

Everyone can easily create high quality data products, having clear ownership and
accountability, with local governance being more specific and effective, whilst leveraging generalized, organization-wide rules.